Thursday, March 7, 2013

Review of Seed Starting-The First Step to Gardening

So, this isn't exactly about homeschooling. It is related to homesteading though; where come Spring this blog may meander a bit. We have a big garden and put up what we don't eat right away for the following winter. I plan on including the planning, planting, weeding, harvesting, and preserving into our homeschool days. This brings me to an e-book that I was able to review: Seed Starting-The First Step to Gardening by Gary Emmett.


This book would be great for a new gardener as well as a veteran one. It goes through starting plants from seeds step by step from planning your garden to getting ready to transplant your plants into the garden. The author goes through all these steps in detail. The book even includes links to where you can buy seeds to get started. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to start plants from seed to plant.


  1. Hi Cassie,

    We dreamed of having a big garden and root cellar for all of our great produce... however, in Florida, those dreams can diminish rather quickly considering we can't have a root cellar. Maybe one day. In the meantime, I am looking forward to seeing your accomplishments with your garden this season!

    Also, who says gardening and learning how to provide nourishment to your family isn't homeschooling? :)

    Happy Spring,


  2. Thank you for your support :) I am looking forward to the garden this year as well. You're right gardening and teaching my daughter about putting food up and provding is homeschooling at its best!

  3. Nice review! We always start seeds, but they get skinny and fall over. Maybe this book would have some tips I hadn't learned yet.
